
Instant Kiwi Point of Sale

Lotto NZ - Instant Kiwi Point of Sale

Lotto NZ - Instant Kiwi Point of Sale

Instant Kiwi plays an important role within Lotto NZ’s retail network as it is the only product which changes visually and can actually be seen on display and purchased. The primary consideration is to create point of sale which is engaging and easy to consume and which drives conversion.
Each ticket very much has its own individual personality which is brought through across the whole suite of POS for each campaign. With the individual nature of every Lotto NZ retail space, no two having the same layout or positioning, it means that the same POS suite is consumed differently in each individual store.

Instant Kiwi POS has evolved over time, as has the brand itself, and as the lead creative at Lotto for over seven years I have overseen this evolution as Senior Designer, Head of Design and Creative Director working hands on and art directing other designers in my team to deliver consistent results and product growth.