
Lotto NZ Promotions

Lotto NZ - Retail Promotional Point of Sale

Lotto NZ - Retail Promotional Point of Sale

With the individual nature of every Lotto NZ retail space, no two having the same layout or positioning, every POS suite is seen and consumed differently in each individual store. Every year, the Lotto game family [Lotto, Powerball and Strike] as well as Instant Kiwi run several different sales promotions at key times of the year.

As with the rest of the Lotto NZ brand and portfolio these promotions have changed and evolved over my 7 years as Senior Designer, Head of Design and Creative Director but the approach taken has always been the same. The key is to put yourself in the mind of a customer in a lotto store and to deliver the key messages to them in a way that is both engaging and easy to understand. Whatever work I do, it’s purpose and the environment in which it will appear have to be the primary considerations so that it will be the most effective and successful solution that it can be.
An extra consideration with Lotto NZ was to make sure that when a Lotto Family and Instant Kiwi promotion were instore at the same time, that they were complimentary and not giving consumer conflicting messages and an unsatisfactory retail experience. There were also occasions with Christmas promotions that due to draw dates and stock levels, post Christmas promotion versions were designed to be displayed in stores after December 25th.