
Lotto NZ Pricing POS

Lotto NZ - Pricing Point of Sale

Lotto NZ - Pricing Point of Sale

Pricing information instore and online is one of the most important elements for a product range like that of Lotto NZ. The aim is always for pricing displays which are simple to follow and that clearly explain the different products included within the various ticket as well as the different scale of purchase in the different price points. This has to be true for experienced players and first time buyers alike.

As the lead creative at Lotto for over seven years this was always a project that I worked directly on myself with other senior members across the company including the CEO. There were many trials that we undertook looking at different ways to show scale, value, games included and I would estimate that we delivered easily over 100 different pricing poster options in that time.
All of that actually lead to three different iterations going live across the network in my time. Through large amounts of research and testing, these designs were responsible for clarifying a potentially confusing purchase decision for consumers and shifting average consumer spend up significantly across the board. This information design is a very different skill to retail point of sale but still has to remain on brand and on point in the same retail environments.