
Lotto NZ Reporting

Lotto New Zealand Corporate Reporting

Lotto NZ - Corporate Reporting

Lotto NZ produce a range of corporate reports every year which need to deliver important information in a trustworthy and clear manner while still being aligned with the overall brand identity. This provides an opportunity to bring the brand to life in a different but complimentary way to the retail and game environments.

While the bulk of the reporting pages have remained fairly consistent in their appearance and use of the corporate typography, the covers and some content pages have evolved and changed over time, from the new rebrand look and feel through emotive imagery and later into a community imagery space.

The design solutions here show a variety of looks which all answer the brief of corporate reporting for a company which delivers fun and excitement and exists solely to give back to New Zealand communities. This requires visual energy and movement but not enough that it detracts from the important nature of the contents. This attitude is key in every aspect of what was done, from the graphics and pictures that were used through to the way in which copy was written. As the lead creative at Lotto for over seven years I have overseen this evolution as Senior Designer, Head of Design and Creative Director working hands on and art directing other designers in my team.